Lies You Need to Stop Telling Your Dentist

Visiting the dentist can often feel like facing a barrage of questions that tempt us to bend the truth. From downplaying our soda consumption to denying our aversion to flossing, these small fibs might seem harmless, but they can significantly impact our dental care

In this article, we’ll uncover the common lies patients tell their dentists and explain why honesty is not just the best policy for your conscience but also for your oral health. Let’s dive into the truths behind these fibs and how coming clean can lead to a healthier smile.

 1. “It doesn’t hurt”

When patients insist, “It doesn’t hurt,” despite wincing in pain, they’re not just shielding themselves from immediate discomfort; they’re also veiling crucial clues from their dentist. Pain is a pivotal indicator, not a mere inconvenience. It signals underlying issues that, when ignored, can escalate into severe dental dilemmas. By embracing honesty about pain, patients empower dentists to tailor treatments effectively, ensuring not just relief but also long-term dental health.

 2. “I barely drink soda”

The claim, “I barely drink soda,” often fizzles out under dental scrutiny. Sugary beverages are notorious culprits behind cavities and enamel erosion. Dentists aren’t just counting soda cans; they’re piecing together the puzzle of your oral health. By admitting to soda consumption, you’re not confessing to a crime but enabling a more personalized preventive strategy, turning the tide against tooth decay.

 3. “I floss regularly”

Asserting, “I floss regularly,” while plaque and gingivitis tell a different story, is a common mismatch in dental dialogues. Regular flossing is the unsung hero of oral hygiene, preventing issues that no toothbrush can tackle alone. Flossing habits invite dentists to offer practical tips and motivation, transforming this overlooked routine into a cornerstone of dental health.

 4. “I don’t chew on ice”

Denying the habit of chewing on ice, “I don’t chew on ice,” might keep the conversation cool, but it glosses over a habit that can lead to dental fractures and enamel damage. Dentists aren’t there to scold but to safeguard your teeth from seemingly benign habits with potentially cracking consequences. Opening up about such habits can lead to advice on how to chill without the chip, preserving your smile’s integrity.

 5. “I don’t smoke or vape often”

Minimizing smoking or vaping habits with “I don’t smoke or vape often” blows smoke over significant risk factors for oral health. Tobacco and vaping are not just systemic health hazards; they’re direct threats to oral hygiene, leading to staining, gum disease, and more. Transparent conversations about these habits can ignite a proactive approach to mitigating their effects, keeping your oral health from going up in smoke.

 6. “I don’t drink alcohol regularly”

Downplaying alcohol consumption, “I don’t drink alcohol regularly,” might seem like a small fib, but it dilutes the truth about its impact on oral health. Alcohol, especially when consumed frequently, can dry out the mouth and disrupt the balance of oral flora, paving the way for cavities and gum disease. By being candid about alcohol consumption, patients and dentists can concoct a preventive plan that accounts for all lifestyle factors, ensuring that oral health isn’t left out to dry.


In conclusion, honesty in the dentist’s chair goes beyond mere formality; it’s a cornerstone of effective dental care. The fibs we tell, from underreporting our sugar intake to overestimating our oral hygiene habits, might seem inconsequential, but they obscure the full picture of our oral health. By embracing transparency with our dentists, we not only foster a more trusting relationship but also pave the way for personalized treatments and preventative measures. Remember, when it comes to dental care, the truth is always your ally in achieving and maintaining a healthy smile.

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